Because with these lies, often you don’t even realize it you’re doing it. And just like with any sin, when you do it so much, you eventually get desensitized to it, losing sight of where you are because of it, and eventually, losing sight of how much you’re slowly changing because of it. Yes, we lie to ourselves a lot, primarily, to justify why we do what we do. Lies like, “My pornography doesn’t hurt anyone…”, “Well, they deserved it”, “I don’t drink that much…”, “We’re just friends”, “I deserve this”…”I’m not hurting anyone”…”I can stop any time”..or “I don’t even care.” Oh, Yes, to me, this is the most dangerous kind of lying. These are the lies that the enemy uses to lock you farther away into darkness, turn you against yourself, God, and others, and if you allow it to continue, separate you farther and farther from the Truth — Jesus.
So I want to ask you, friend, as I asked myself in writing this, are you lying to yourself about certain things? What have you been telling yourself lately? Or over and over again, where you now, almost believe it? Where you would almost get nervous or upset if someone else knew or questioned you about it? What do you KNOW you need to be truthful about, and bring to light? What do you need to let go of, that you just know isn’t right? Maybe it’s something that you just need to bring to God, that you haven’t. Maybe it’s something you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself, or perhaps another person. Whatever it is friend, don’t become callous to it. Don’t allow the enemy to put you in that hardened place, where you begin to change from the inside out because of it.
We can lie to ourselves for many reasons, but I think the biggest one is that we know we need to change some things, but we just don’t know how to start. But God does. HE knows the way out. He has the power, wisdom, and love, to SHOW you the way out. But it starts with you. It starts with inviting Him in. And allowing the Truth to seep in, so He can free you from the lies that the enemy has kept you in.
God has the keys, friend. You just have to open the door and turn on the lights.