When Should We Confront Others?
Many times in life, we hear things about people; and we have a choice: talk about them or go to them.
The problem is: going to them makes us feel uncomfortable. We have images of high school head-to-head battle of hormones.
Here’s some helpful guidance on when and how you should go to someone:
• When someone is in danger. God opposes abusive behavior whether it’s self-inflicted or done by others. [Prov.24:11-12]
• When a relationship is threatened. You need to confront, when necessary; to preserve the relationship. [Phil.4:2-3]
• When division exists in a group. God charges us to guard and protect our relationships. It takes work. Focus on the goal of working together, forgiving, and grace. Learn each others styles. [Rom.14:-9]
• When someone sins against you. [Mt.18:15]
• When someone sins [Ezekiel 3:18]
• When others are offended and it’s contaminating the group, others, etc. People are being taken advantage of, misguided, etc. [Gal.2:11-13]
Always test your heart before you approach someone. If your heart isn’t in the right place…to reveal truth in love and seek common ground…it’s not the time or you may not be the right person. See my other post about what is confrontation and what it’s not.
HOW are we supposed to go to someone?
1. Confront alone [Mt.18:15]
2. Confront with witnesses [Mt.18:16]
3. Confront before leadership [Mt.18:17]
I say leadership because when these verses were written; the church body was not like what we see today.
the problem that we see often, is that people take it right to the top, and that gets this thing out of order. Instead of the idea of confrontation as a part of building the body of Christ it feels instead like persecution without trial.
June Hunt