Tag: Hurting Heart
When Others Hurt Us
Others may have done things in the past to make you feel angry, victimized, unappreciated, and used. Indeed, you may have a valid reason to feel anger.
You may have been taken advantage of and victimized by others. You may have been unappreciated by others. You may have been used by others. These are common experiences of just about all people.
However, when these kinds of occurrences happen in life we have a choice to make. We can choose to be drawn into the darkness put upon us by others or we can choose to stay out in the light and love of Christ.
If you are truly a child of God, others may try to do things to make you angry but you do not have to respond or feel angry.
In Christ, others may try to victimize you but you do not have to be a victim. In Christ, others may not appreciate you but you do not need the appreciation of others.
In Christ, others may use you to their advantage but you do not need to feel used because you have given over all of who you are to Him who died for you.
The power we live under in Christ is an insulating power for our hearts. This insulating power keeps us from feeling angry, victimized, unappreciated, and used by others.
“Above all guard your hearts, for out it flows the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23
A Prayer for Healing a Hurting Heart
I come before You with a heavy, yet willing and obedient heart. I am in pain, Lord God, and I need Your guidance, courage, and strength.
I surrender my whole heart to You and only You…I seek You and only You…I choose You and only You as my Lord and Master.
Abba Father, Cast the Light of Your Truth into the darkened shadows of my heart…identify, expose and excise the seeds and weeds of deception…the sources of pain the enemy has placed within my heart and utilized to cheat and derail me from the authentic path ordained by You for my life.
Please give me the courage to face the pain of my past…the lies, sin, shame, guilt, doubt, violations, unmet needs, injustices, rejection, fear, abandonment, abuse, pride, denial, anger, addictions, bitterness – all things the enemy has whispered into my life and utilized to create a false belief system. Father, deliver me from this bondage and reveal to me how to truly receive Your Grace…to replace the darkness with Your Everlasting Truth and Love.
As I earnestly seek Your cleansing of the corrupted soil of my heart, I realize the enemy may retaliate, but You have promised to tuck me under Your Wing, graciously giving me Your divine spiritual, emotional and physical protection, as You are The Lord of Hosts and Ruler over all principalities.
I praise You, Lord God that You are faithful and will not allow me to endure what I am unable to walk through…that You love me and will not forsake me.
I pray all these things in The Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.