Dear Lord,
I ask that today and every day You will partner with me in a thorough examination and cleansing of my heart. Reveal, heal and deliver me of all the strongholds I am bound by in my life. LORD, please expose with Your Truth and Light all the pain, fear, shame, guilt and sorrow that is hidden within dark places of my heart … all the things that prevent me from living a life of freedom, peace, and joy that come from a transparent relationship with You. Father. Please show me how to come before You in faith, trust, obedience, and submission, revealing to me all the lies I have received and believed in my life… helping me to replace my deformed belief system with Your Word and Your Truth, which endures forever. Teach me Your Ways, LORD, and show me how to find freedom in your limitless forgiveness for myself and others, to embrace myself as a new creation. Allow me to see myself through Your eyes, as Your precious child, joint heir with Christ in Your Kingdom of Heaven. Write a new story on my heart, LORD… one born of The Holy Spirit, guided by the power of Your redemption and restoration. Please bless and comfort me with a wholeness of healing that is only possible through You, Jehovah Rapha-my LORD Who Heals. Abba Father, I praise You for all that You Are, yesterday, today and tomorrow, and pray all these things in the Name of my Savior,
Jesus Christ. Amen!
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